Ariel Tao
Realm Artifice




These were the yearnings of her soul. To lead the world to an era without suffering, without war, without sacrifice. While Ariel’s soul yearns for these things, her body yearns for war, and her mind craves tactics, all in the name of peace. She has only known the latter of her mind and body throughout her current life. Raised from a young age destined to become a Chrono pilot, experimented on and physically augmented to help her become the best pilot in Realm Artifice. Growing up on her home planet of Kubernetik, Ariel witnessed society’s ramifications on classes within Realm Artifice. Her family ran an upstart cybernetics laboratory and manufacturing company that was a subsidiary of Bastion Corp. Ariel’s dream was to become a scientist and help develop products to improve society for her planet, but as a young child, she showed signs of a power no one had seen before that would unwillingly determine her future. Instead of becoming a scientist, she became a scientific experiment. 

Years of testing pushed her mental capacities to their limits. With no end in sight of ever being able to live outside the walls of CyberNetik, she embraced the inevitable and slowly mastered her Telekinetic abilities. That led to pilot training within the upstart Chrono program, where Ariel quickly mastered the “Griffin” using her telekinesis and multiple cybernetic limbs. Piloting the Griffin through testing phases proved useful for Realm Artifice, as it enabled them to improve their program at a rapid pace thanks to Ariel’s abilities. Once deployed to the field for actual missions, the Griffin was merely an extension of her body, much like her extra limbs. No one thought to ask how she felt or what she wanted in life. The missions she embarked on took a toll on her, and she began to wonder if it was worth it. What happened next was enough of a push to change the course of her life forever. 

Kubernetik was constantly involved in conflicts, either politically or somehow tied to fighting elsewhere within the Realm of the 9. Due to their evolved sciences and technological advancements, they have been the “go-to” for advanced weaponry and programming for Chrono programs in other Realms. No one realized just how advanced Artifice was because they never supplied the most cutting-edge products to any other Realm. 

Internal conflicts within Artifice were few and far between, but lately, a rivalry between Bastion Corp. and CyberNetik threatened the peace. Ariel was unaware of her family’s actual dealings with Bastion Corp. and only knew they helped with programming their Chronos. She had no clue that CyberNetik was dealing in the shadows with a devious plot to become the top manufacturer within Artifice. 

When the news of the Bastions’ deaths made its way back to Ariel, she was confused and instantly filled with suspicion. She knew her parents only viewed her as a tool, but could they possibly have had a hand in the downfall of Bastion Corp. as well? She decided to take matters into her own hands and delve into top-secret files within CyberNetik.

It didn’t take long for her suspicions to be proven correct. But she had found something she didn’t expect…a deal had been struck between the top officials within Artifice and CyberNetik to dispose of the Bastions for not handing over their technology to the Realm. It turned out CyberNetik was more than willing to deal directly with the government and hand over anything and everything they wanted. 

Ariel became secluded; there was no running away as it would raise too many red flags. There was no one left in her life to trust, so she found refuge and solace within her oasis. This was her fortress to which she could retreat, far away from prying eyes. She meditated and disconnected from her artificial limbs to find the sense of inner peace and guidance she longed for. 

What she found was Harmony



But outside of her oasis, Chaos, Death, Remorse… 

One day, amidst that peace, she felt chaos intrude.

Kal Bastion had found her.